Simple Ways You Can Give Your Body an Energy Boost

Are you starting to feel sluggish? Perhaps it’s getting to 4pm and you’re starting to feel your body slow down. Or maybe you’ve just woken up and you’re struggling to overcome that sleep inertia?

What then can you do to wake yourself up and to feel much more invigorated… right now?

Here are a few tricks you can use to instantly give yourself more energy:

Splash Some Cold Water

Splashing some cold water on your face can instantly give you an energy boost for a number of reasons. One benefit of doing this is that it encourages blood flow to your face and thus your brain, giving you a little more fuel for thinking and staying awake.

Moreover, the body reacts to cold by producing more norepinephrine. This is a stimulating neurotransmitter which helps us become more focused and more awake!


A quick workout is fantastic for boosting energy. This doesn’t have to mean going to the gym and lifting weights either. Simply doing a few press-ups can help to get your blood flowing, to produce endorphins and to clear away brain fog.

In fact, if you can’t muster a few press ups, even just jumping up and down lightly on the spot is a great way to boost your energy levels.

Do Something You Love

Sometimes the worst thing you can do for your energy levels is to ‘power through’ when you’re feeling tired and lethargic. Instead, try doing something that you really enjoy for 10 minutes – whether that’s playing a computer game or reading a chapter of a great book. This will re-engage you and bring back some enthusiasm which is excellent for energy.

Another strategy? Remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. Is your objective money? Is it passion? Are you biding your time? Find that focus and it will help you power through with more enthusiasm. 

Go and Feel the Sun

Go and stand outside for a moment and feel the sun on your face. This is highly invigorating and will help to remind your body clock that it’s still day time, while at the same time triggering the production of vitamin D and other important hormones.

Have Some MCT Oil

There are countless supplements and foods out there that can give you a boost in energy. MCT oil though (found in coconut milk and oil) is one of the best there is and will hit you with an instant supply of usable energy.

Simple Ways You Can Give Your Body an Energy Boost Simple Ways You Can Give Your Body an Energy Boost Reviewed by araxahub on 6:08:00 AM Rating: 5

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