What Would it Feel Like to Have Amazing Levels of Energy?

Too many of us it seems are constantly striving for better energy without even really remembering what great energy levels feel like. 

Many of us for instance will have strong coffees in a bid to feel energetic. A strong coffee wakes us up in the morning, it gives us focus and it helps us to plough on with the day. Some people will even use stimulants and smart pills these days. Caffeine drinks for instance, or even substances like modafinil.
But that feeling is not energy. 

That feeling is simply an imbalance in your brain chemistry that forces you to feel awake and productive. This is being ‘wired’, not being energetic. And when you run on empty like this for long enough, eventually the debt must be paid.

What it Should Feel Like
So with that in mind, what would it take to genuinely feel energetic and to really be running on full instead of always running on empty?

Well really, the easiest way to understand what having lots of energy feels like, is to know what being really healthy. Feels like. 

Having lots of energy doesn’t feel like there’s rocket fuel powering you to keep going – because it doesn’t need to. Instead, you will simply feel as you do on your best days. Fresh. Each breath will help to fill your lungs with more enthusiasm for the day, you’ll have no trace of headache or brain fog and you’ll be excited and enthusiastic for whatever you’re doing – energy brings that.

How Energy Improves Your Life
What’s more, feeling this way can help you to improve nearly every aspect of your life.

First of all, having this kind of boundless energy will make you feel happier and much more positive. You will enjoy life more simply by feeling less tired and having more to give.

What’s more, this will help you to perform better in your workplace, to be more engaged and charismatic with the people you talk to and to get more from your spare time. You’ll enhance your relationships and your way of life simply by having more resources to throw at them, while you’ll be able to get more benefit and productivity out of every spare moment. This is what will allow you to stick to an exercise regime, to take on a side project to earn more income… generally to take your life where you want it to be.

And to feel great doing it.

That is what it is like to have boundless energy.

What Would it Feel Like to Have Amazing Levels of Energy? What Would it Feel Like to Have Amazing Levels of Energy? Reviewed by araxahub on 6:40:00 AM Rating: 5

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