How to Convince Yourself to Workout Before Work
Being self-employed makes it 100 times easier to stick to a
workout. Now you have much more control over your time and you will be much
more able to choose when you want to work and when you want to relax, or
The problem is, if you aim to finish early at the end of the
day and workout then, you will almost always find that it never actually
happens. The problem is, you'll still get tired and once you get into the
'flow' you'll find it's almost impossible to break out of it and to return
later on while being just as productive.
Working out first on
the other hand, means you'll have more energy and a better mood as you work.
It's just a matter of being disciplined enough to convince yourself to do so.
Here are some tips that can help.
Set Everything Up the
Night Before
One way to help yourself workout before you start work is to
set up your gym kit etc. the night before. The aim here is to create the
minimum barrier between you and the gym so that there's no effort involved other than the workout itself. Setting
things up the night before means you can just grab your bag and go and that
helps a lot.
Make Your Workout Fun
If you're going to convince yourself to workout first thing
in the morning then it can help a great deal to do a workout that you actually
find fun. Working out can be fun – and especially if you do
something like rock climbing or sparring with a heavy bag. Find a workout that
you enjoy and don't worry too much about your strict goals – they'll come with
time as long as you put in the effort.
Oh and your workouts don't have to be super long either. Ten
minutes is better than nothing if that's all you have!
Join a Nearby Gym
Which gym do you join?
The nearest one. It's as simple as that. This way you'll
save a ton of time and feel much more inclined to workout. And if you don't
have a nearby gym, then you should workout from home.
If you're struggling to workout at all, then you should bear
in mind that the problem is most likely linked with stress or your energy
levels. It may just mean you're taking on too much work, in which case: try to
tune it down a bit!
How to Convince Yourself to Workout Before Work
Reviewed by araxahub
9:56:00 PM

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