How to Wake Up On Time, Every Time
When you first become self-employed, you might find yourself
feeling eager to sleep in a little longer. This is definitely one of the perks
of working from home and not needing to commute certainly means you can justify
an hour longer in bed in most cases.
But this freedom can quickly become a drag. The problem?
That snooze button! If you hit it once, you'll find that you often end up
hitting it again and again. The result is that you wake up at 11am, 12pm, 1pm…
And that then means you'll be working until 1am the next day. Not fun!
Here's the solution…
Go to Bed Earlier
The number one way by far to start waking up at a more
reasonable time, is to go to bed at a more reasonable time the night before. As
a general rule, you should only need around 8 hours and will probably function
just fine on 7 hours. If you go to sleep at 1am, you can get up at 8am or 9am
and be fine. Go to bed later though and your body will be fighting you every
step of the way.
This might not be fun but it is the most simple and most
effective way to make getting up easier.
Use Some CBT
CBT is cognitive behavioral therapy – a fantastic
psychotherapeutic tool for changing the way you think to illicit numerous
psychological and health benefits. Using cognitive restructuring, you
accomplish this by looking at the contents of your thoughts and then replacing
them with more positive and useful thoughts.
In this case, that more useful thought is to focus on one
key aspect waking up. That is: if you sleep in longer, you feel worse. Try to
focus on the way you felt last time you overslept: rushed, stressed, grubby and
with a sore back most likely. Focus on that instead of how comfy you are and it
will be easier to get up.
Small Steps
Another trick is to use smaller steps to wake up. Instead of
telling yourself to spring out of bed and start doing press ups as soon as the
alarm goes off, instead reach out and grab your phone to check your favorite
website/forum for updates. When you do this, you'll find that the act of
reading for five minutes even brings you around to make it easier to get up.
How to Wake Up On Time, Every Time
Reviewed by araxahub
11:26:00 PM

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